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The Uncivil War - America Divided

David Siracusa's sizzle reel, based on his own screenplay, chronicles the struggles of an every day guy named Tom as his marriage has disintegrated and he is forced back into the cruel world of dating amidst the chaos of the George Floyd trial, Covid madness and BLM riots.  Tom and his best friend, Byron, work to keep their lifetime friendship intact while trying not to give into the anger.  Mixing racial politics and friendship is not always the best recipe for success.  But can they pull it off?


David Siracusa as Tom

Ron Pickens as Byron

Victoria Frazer as Beth

Director - Josiah Schrieber

The Uncivil War

The BLM Riot scene

Tom is chased by the angry BLM mob as he tries to get into his car to leave.  Pulled from his vehicle, his friend Byron is trapped over by their offices and is unable to help.

Tom - David Siracusa


Work Space

A Miami Dade College SEDT Student Film

Very proud to be a part of this amazing cast and crew! Big shout out to the stars:

Director - Oscar Valdez

Peter - Scott Herbst

Jan - Natalia Patino

Mr Norman - David Siracusa

After Hours

A Miami Dade student film and winner of Best Grad Intro Film 

at the UM Cannes Film Festival 2022!


David Siracusa

Florencia Barletta

Director - Pu Sun

Baloncito Viejo

Carlos Vives and Camilo


Carlos Vives and Camilo are already the hottest Hispanic duo of 2022. The Columbian superstars released their new single, "Baloncito Viejo" with a fantastic music video that immediately gained well over 6 million views within the first two weeks. I am very proud to be a part of this amazing product. I was chosen as goal keeper due to my combination of acting and soccer skills.

57 seconds, 1:07 and 1:16  (More scenes to follow.)

Echelon Fitness Training Video

These pictures from my Echelon shoot, as well as the video below, demonstrates just how hard they worked me while trying to get the absolute best shots for their workout videos.


More sizzle reels

Tom and Sophia at the office

Tom gripes about the lack of support the police are getting and how the crowds should not get away with looting.  His secretary, Sophia tries to talk him out of posting Pro-Trump stuff on social media.

David Siracusa as Tom

Casandra Chesneau as Sophia

Tom, Byron and Ricky

Best friends, Tom, Byron and Ricky, sit at their favorite Mexican restaurant enjoying food and drinks when the George Floyd riots appear on the bar TV.  All three men look on in horror as the scenes of violence play out in front of them.

David Siracusa as Tom

Ron Pickens as Byron

Rodman Randolph as Ricky

An e xcerpt from my audio book now available  on ACX.

Click here to find the book on

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Please check out my Facebook page!

I will be adding new content shortly, including some readings of my latest scripts, as well as updates on how my current and unfinished projects are unfolding.

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